Do online piano lessons really work?
Yes, they absolutely work!
Online lessons require some initial setting up, but they provide numerous advantages
Required before you start
Acoustic, Digital Piano or Digital KeyboardComputer with a web camera, speakers and microphoneStrong internet connectionSkype or Face Time appIf you have all 4 required things, you’re ready to sit down at your piano and have your first online lesson.Advantages of having online lessons
Save Time
Say goodbye to commuting. With online piano lessons, you save precious time and learn from the comfort of your own home, on your own piano.
Practice After the Lessons
Just finished a lesson? It's the best time to practice while everything is still fresh in your mind. There's no need to wait until you get home, you're already there!
Nothing stands in your way
A cold two days ago won't lead to a canceled lesson. Enjoy consistent progress with online lessons.
Post-Lesson Email Support
After each lesson, you'll receive detailed notes via email. These notes, which offer tips and guidance for your next practice session, are included in the price of every lesson plan. The guidance you need is just an email away!
Steps before the lesson
Set up
Before we connect, you'll need to get your piano and your laptop or tablet ready. Position your device just off to one side of the piano. This ensures I can see you, the keyboard, and your hands during our session. Take a look at the image provided for a visual guide to the ideal setup.
Be prompt
Ensure you're prepared 5 minutes before our scheduled lesson. This way, you'll be all set to accept my call right on time, and we can dive straight into your musical journey!